Everything does have a history. A successful company was developed with a brick and gained a name. TCS also did have a past good or bad let’s discuss.

TCS stands for Taranzum Courier Service. Pakistan always paid a great role in supporting its citizens. TCS is also a part of it. It was developed to fulfill people’s requirements.

Who is the first CEO of TCS?

TCS was first put forward by a flight engineer working at Pakistani International Airport, Khalid Nawaz Awan. He put forward an idea of this service which can help citizens as people were traveling here another only for transferring their luggage he came up with an idea about how if there will be a service which can transfer for them. In 1983, this service was finally established.

What do you think is the biggest strength of TCS?

Trust is the biggest strength for any purpose. By gaining trust TCS has gained much success in this field. People like to take help from TCS without any worry of loss. By delivering parcels on time and at a reasonable price it has also gained much respect and trust.

As for the poor people, it is also a great deal to transfer their goods which have now become easy for them. TCS does have a good history making its reputation more and more with time.

What are the five values of TCS?

The five values of TCS are Integrity, Unity, Responsibility, Excellence, and Pioneering. TCS does respect his 5 values and likes to help people by following these rules.

These rules are the basis of their success. Its main role is patriotism from the start which has resulted in this point of success for them. Its vision is to develop this company to be more helpful for people as it can then help more easily by increasing resources with time.

Track Your TCS Courier


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