In this article, we discuss TCS online shopping/online store to buy the best products in 2021.  TCS stands for Tranzum Courier Service. It is a local courier service that was established in 1983 by Khalid Nawaz Awan. TCS is designed to be used by common men by keeping reasonable prices and approaches to almost any area in Pakistan.

CS maintains several thousand locations within Pakistan and worldwide as well as its airline operations, delivery vehicles, and couriers. TCS has been assigned machine-readable passports (MRPs) delivery services by the government and Visa application submission and delivery services by embassies. TCS also maintains a business partnership with UPS. You can also track your order online.

Track Your TCS Courier

Some websites use TCS for delivering their products. In other words, TCS acts as a courier service for them.

These are:



1 Home Shopping Online Store

Home shopping is the largest shopping website in Pakistan. They offer many gifts and shopping materials on time. There are thousands of different products like laptops, clothes, bags, shoes, computers, and many more. It is considered to be the best shopping website in Pakistan.

What can we buy through home shopping?

There are many different products which we can buy through home-shopping are:

  • Clothes
  • Gifts
  • Dress
  • Shoes
  • Furniture
  • Utensils

Which courier service they use?

According to the search, home shopping is the largest shopping website in Pakistan. It uses TCS for its shipping most of the time. However, they have their courier service as well.


2 Daraz (Online Store)

DARAZ is the popular shopping website of Pakistan that is more in use these days. It has spread its network all across Pakistan. Anyone can buy products from this website. It was founded in 2012 as an online fashion e-commerce marketplace in Pakistan by Muneeb Maayr & Fares Shah at the based venture builder, Rocket Internet.

What can we buy through Daraz?

DARAZ is an e-commerce site that offers different products. We can have access to any product. Its products always come with a guarantee. About 5%of customers face problems. Rest of the 95%are satisfied well.

It sells:

  • Games
  • Utensils
  • Stationery
  • Clothes
  • Mobiles
  • Makeup
  • Books

Which courier service do they use?

Usually, DARAZ uses its courier service but due to overload or lack of delivery boys, they often use the service of TCS. But it is a rare chance that they use any other service. It is an independent e-commerce site.


3 iShopping (Online Store)

iShopping is also an e-commerce company. Online shopping in Pakistan is being delighted by for original brands as there is no other reliable. It offers original products with cash on delivery and free shipping terms.

What can we buy through iShopping?

As it is an e-commerce company it offers many products.

One can buy

  • Bags
  • Furniture
  • Books
  • Clothes
  • Bedsheets
  • Stationery

What courier service do they use?

Although it is one of the best e-commerce websites still it uses the services of some other courier services. Out of which TCS is mostly used by them. Other than this they also use leopard services sometimes. But mostly they are seen with TCS.


4 GoTo (Online Shopping Store)

GOTO is another e-commerce website in Pakistan. With more and more people stepping into the realm of online shopping in Pakistan, Goto came forward with a unique shopping experience, combining online shopping with the most sought out element people in Pakistan look for: Trust, Reliability, Originality, and AgilityWith an unparalleled assortment of leading electronics, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands, they stand their ground on providing 100% original products to their customers and make sure that the best collections of clothing, electronics, and grocery reach you in the comfort of your home.

What they do sell in GoTo Store?

By this store, we can have an access to buy many multiple products that includes

  • Grocery
  • Electronics
  • Furniture
  • Stationery
  • Clothes

Which courier service do they use?

They also use TCS for delivering their goods. TCS is a reliable service that is for anyone. Many e-commerce websites use TCS for delivering goods. The same is for goto they have trust in TCS and uses them for delivering goods to their customers.


5 Clicky (Online Store)

CLICKY is also an e-commerce service that uses TCS. It is the largest company in Pakistan that sells clothes and fashion materials at reasonable and affordable prices. There are thousands of different products like laptops, clothes, bags, shoes, computers, and many more. It is considered to be the best shopping website in Pakistan.

What they do sell in the clicky store?

They sell different products related to fashion. Some of the best products are:

  • Shirts
  • Spectacles
  • Trousers
  • Shoes
  • Watch
  • Bracelets
  • Jackets
  • Coats

What courier service do they use?

They use TCS for delivering their goods. TCS has spread its network all over Pakistan. Although it is one of the best eCommerce websites still it uses the services of some other courier services. Out of which TCS is mostly used by them. Other than this they also use leopard services sometimes. But mostly they are seen with TCS.



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