The app can be downloaded to keep track of all TCS Consignment courier tracking. This app is related to vehicle tracking.

It allows you to keep a complete record of every vehicle on the road, and this can be done over a live-time basis. It allows you to keep track of all TCS shipping employees, as well as their boarding and locations.

Track Your Parcel by Just One Click

This TCS pk vehicle track app is free and available in English. This app can be installed on Android phones too. It is 4.72MB in size.

 TCS Consignment Order via SMS 

Access to SMS is another option. You can also access the monitoring service via SMS. You can also use SMS to get the monitoring service by quoting your tracking access. You will receive a response relating to your entire package.

 Call the Helpline Center 

We will also let you know the number to call for quick response regarding your parcel or order delivery. The TCS helpline number is +9221111123156.

You can ask the consultant for information about your order and they will let you know the details of the entire package or delivery. If the above strategies do not produce sufficient results, this is a great way to get in touch with the consultant.

 Delivery Charges 

TCS has the largest number of private networks in Pakistan and a unique range of services. All items that need to be shipped must comply with TCS’ terms and conditions. Items that are larger than the standard size will be considered heavier based on their volume.

Standard delivery charges are based on the destination and package size. Packages for other cities are more expensive and heavier packages will be charged more.

  • Packages below 2kg are charged at Rs. 100 within the city
  • Weight between 2kg and 5k Rs. 200 is the city’s charge
  • Packages between 5kg and 25kg Rs. 250 is the city’s charge.

Track Your Parcel by Just One Click

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